Thursday, April 12, 2018


Sahagun is a small town from Cordoba that have lots of parks where you can go with your family to pass the afternoon. Also, in the parks are games where you can take your son, younger brother or nephews to have a lot of fun with those games. This is not the end, if you want to go to an inexpensive and delicious place to eat, Sahagun has very good places to pass with your family or friends going to eat.

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Last Day

It was 3:00am when we needed to woke up because we were going to go back to Montelibano.

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I said goodbye to my girlfriend because she would stay there with her mom and brother.

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I fell asleep all the trip, until we arrived Montelibano, I said goodbye to everyone and thanks for everything, I hope they would invite me again.

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4th Day

In the morning we went to pool to spent the whole day.

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As we were in a Hotel, we take lunch there...

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After that, we went back to the pool to enjoy the last hours of happiness.

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When it was already late we returned to the house, few minutes later we went to a restaurant where we ate a huge "Picada".

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Then, we went back to the house, we began to pack everything because the next day at 4:00am we would return to Montelibano.

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3rd Day

When everyone woke up, the mom and dad of my girlfriend started making the breakfast.

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For lunch, we had a very nice meat with rice, potato and mango juice.

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At the afternoon, we went to Xiana´s place to dinner, we order a "Picada".

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After eating, we went back to the house and we slept.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

2nd Day

The second day, everyone in the farm started to clean up everything because it was all a disaster...

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It was a good beginning... At the afternoon, I played Poker Cards, Domino and "Parqués" with my girlfriend and her parents.
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At the night, we had dinner and we stayed talking until everyone went to sleep.

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1st Day

The trip was from Montelíbano, Córdoba to Sahagún, Córdoba, it will take about 2 hours and 30 minutes approximately to arrive to Sahagún.

Thirty minutes passed since we started and it was time for dinner, so we made our first stop in a fast food restaurant.

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Now that we were full, we proceed with the trip... Until we made our second stop in a fuel station, were we did our needs and full the car with gasoline.

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After 1 hour of trip, we arrived to "Ranchería, Sahagún", everyone was surprised with my coming and... I think and hope that I liked them.

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Trip Start - 28/03/2018

First of all, my girlfriend's parents invited me to go with them to their farm, situated near Sahagun, Cordoba.
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The trip started on March the 28th of 2018.